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Urinary Incontinence Specialist

Urinary Incontinence is a common issue in women, but it doesn't need to be a continuing issue. At Mid-Kansas Women's Center PA in Wichita, KS, the experienced group of OB/GYNs can help their patients put a stop to the problem.

Urinary Incontinence

What is Stress Urinary Incontinence?

Stress urinary incontinence is the most common kind of urinary incontinence. As the name implies, stress urinary incontinence happens when the bladder is under some type of stress. For example, it is common for people with stress urinary incontinence to accidentally leak urine when they lift a heavy box, when they have a deep cough, or when they are laughing uncontrollably.

What is Overactive Bladder?

Overactive bladder is another common variety of urinary incontinence. People with an overactive bladder often have sudden urges to urinate. These urges are so sudden that there is often no time to get to a restroom, and urine leakage is the result.

What is Overflow Incontinence?

Overflow incontinence occurs less frequently than other kinds of urinary incontinence. People who suffer from overflow incontinence struggle to completely empty their bladder. This leaves extra urine in the bladder, and it may leak out when the person is not actively trying to urinate.

Who Develops Urinary Incontinence?

Urinary incontinence is more common in females. It is also more common in women who are 35 or older. Some risk factors will increase a person's odds of developing urinary incontinence. These risk factors include having a high caffeine or alcohol intake, being overweight or obese, being diabetic, and having a pre-existing neurological disease. Being a smoker can raise the risk level since smokers often have chronic coughs that lead to stress urinary incontinence.

How Can the Doctor Treat Urinary Incontinence?

An experienced OB/GYN or urogynecologist can help in several ways. Urinary incontinence medications can be a highly effective way to dramatically reduce or possibly even eliminate urinary incontinence. In many cases, patients may have controllable risk factors that can be reduced with the doctor's guidance. For example, an overweight patient can lose weight or a smoker can stop smoking to reduce or eliminate their urinary incontinence. Stress urinary incontinence can be successfully addressed with the use of the Juliet laser system, as well. The Juliet treatment can decrease irritation and discomfort, decrease frequency of urination, and can prevent unexpected leaks.